Sunday, August 5, 2007

Day Seven: Asheville, NC to Raleigh, NC (246 miles)

We're home and we're tired. After getting breakfast and coffee in a cool little Asheville cafe, buying a piece of art for Michelle's living room, and stopping in an 80-minute, get out of your car and talk to your neighbors traffic jam while the highway patrol sweeps up lemons from an overturned tractor-trailor carrying produce, we still had the energy to marvel at Michelle's newly-stained hardwoods, call the AC-guy to make the temperature in the house bearable, bring the kitchen table in from the garage (only to get it stuck in the doorway before taking off two of the legs), and hook up the cable, flat-screen, and DVD player so that we could watch old South Parks until the new Entourage came on. If you made it through that sentence, multiple it times 10, and you have an idea what a trip across the country feels like. It's a giant, glorious, I'd do it again in a second, run-on sentence.

Pictures and more updates coming soon...

Thanks for traveling with us. We love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a weeks worth of entertainment.